The Global Doctors Association Urges Everyone To Focus On “The Next Phase” In This Joint Fight Against The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Global Doctors Association looks to lung recovery on a global scale. While the COVID-19 pandemic is now under a certain level of control, it’s been two gruesome years of many people losing family members and fearing this virus. Many are also tired of all the restrictions in everyday life.

What phases have most people been through?

Learning how to do the COVID-19 test.

Learning what symptoms to look for

Learning to use masks and hand sanitizer for protection.

Learning that distance can limit transmission of the virus.

Most of the adult population getting vaccinated, some even 3–4 doses.

At the end of December 2021, 8.85 billion doses have been administered, and about 34.51 million more are administered each day. More than 4.49 billion people have received a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (58.5 percent of the global population)

Many people do not yet know how to create and keep a strong immune system or healthy lungs (which increase our chances of surviving any virus or disease).

Many people do not yet know how to recover from Long COVID (the long-term effects of coronavirus).

Many people do not yet know how to recover from or mend their body after side effects from vaccination.

Along with vaccination programs, we need more effective tools and methods. This will increase the possibility of ending this pandemic

The GDA wants to teach doctors, nurses, and the average person how to build a stronger immune system and keep it strong. If any virus or other microorganism attacks, we need our immune systems to be able to fight it.

It’s hard to avoid or eliminate what we cannot see

It’s difficult to see microorganisms with our eyes. We live with billions of them, both around us and inside us. Most microorganisms have important jobs that keep us alive. But others are a threat to our health and life, which we must avoid or eliminate. With modern technology, it is possible to scan and check for all viruses in less than 10 minutes. And with the right equipment, it is possible to eliminate them. We will work to implement this technology into our online system, so it is available for everyone to have full control over the viruses in near future!

That said, with a strong immune system, it’s normally easy for the body to take control and fight viruses. It has been confirmed by this pandemic that people with fully functional and strong immune systems mostly get mild symptoms (if any) when they become infected by COVID-19.

Lung recovery course for global doctors, nurses, and their patients

GDA Education, a division of the Global Doctors Association, has developed online courses for healthcare professionals and their patients. Through these courses, we can work together to prevent lung disease, build stronger immune systems in case of future viruses, and finally learn about the important lung recovery process.

Lung recovery is not a quick fix

The Global Doctors Association urges people not to look at lung recovery as a quick fix. Patients should be trained and supported in the process until their lung health is fully restored after reduced lung capacity from vaccination or COVID-19.

Health professionals’ ignorance and lack of skill in the lung recovery process are a safety issue for themselves and patients

Despite their best efforts, most doctors and nurses do not have the skills, time, or capacity to work side by side with each patient for several months. Therefore, GDA has developed GlobalDoctorsAssociation. com, a health platform that allows doctors and nurses to easily monitor and follow up with their patients online.

Healthier lungs with a holistic approach to save more lives

By gaining additional knowledge about lung recovery procedures, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals can improve their medical skills. This will also enable them to teach their patients what actions they need to take. It should be said that the push for lung recovery is not a new phenomenon. The demand for healthier lungs has always been enormous. Approximately 5 million people die from lung cancer and COPD each year, despite the lungs’ amazing ability to renew cells and tissues when we take the right action and use modern technology

The Global Doctors Association (GDA) has just signed an agreement with THE PHARMA WORLD in Asia to facilitate training for doctors in Bangladesh.

GDA’s goal is to provide knowledge through its online courses and features that will improve the healing and recovery of patients. GDA encourages all doctors and nurses around the world to step up and join forces with us online to provide better care and save more lives.

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